Saturday, May 29, 2010

Aaron Westerberg is featured in American Artist Workshop Magazine.

"Painting instructors often ask students to consider two important relationships between the colors squeezed out on their palettes: value and temperature. By that they are asking them to consider whether one color mixture is lighter or darker than another, and whether the mixtures tend to have a warm or a cool appearance. That can be a challenge for students if they have 10 or 12 tube colors laid out on their palettes, so instructors frequently suggest that they start with just two tube colors. That’s what artist-instructor Aaron Westerberg did during a workshop he recently taught in California, where he showed students how to apply their drawing skills to creating oil paintings."-Artist Daily

You can read the article in this summer's issue of American Artist Workshop Magazine.

Aaron Westerberg will be teaching a monochromatic head painting class at LAAFA. For information about this class, go to

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