Week 10 - The Wrap Up with Nityanshu Sharma

The Wrap-Up Week - Nityanshu Sharma

The last week was one of the most exiting one for me where all the elements and theories that we learned about drawing and art seemed to reach a single destination. In the drawings, from the figure construction class by the amazing Ron Lemen, there is a sense of rhythm in the poses and anatomy seems to be making sense and so finally the drawings look believable and expressive. Overall, I see a deal of great noticeable improvements in my drawings and even in other student’s drawings as well. All the hard work of making overall 250 structural drawings has paid off remarkably well. 

The art history exam was challenging yet interesting and it seems to make me realize the extraordinary journey this art field has taken since centuries -from Mesopotamia to Egypt and from Egypt to the Greeks and from Greeks to Roman) and to me it seems like, I have been taking this evolutionary journey in a micro personal sense since the day I started drawing. "Also, It surely makes me look fairly intellectual." 

 The cast drawings from William Rodgers class are ‘coming to life’ and the class has subsequently engraved a sense of ‘the concept of shape recognition’; light and its play on the forms and also subconsciously it has taught us discipline and meditation. William Rodgers, who is not only a great art teacher but a supreme philosopher, made us understand the importance of treating our art, a honorable job that requires discipline and hard work like any other.
(PS: It not good to be a ‘pusillanimous’.)

 John Messer’s surprise test on drawing the ‘described indoor and outdoor scenarios’ in perspective gave most of us an arduous time but thankfully the great ‘client east wood ‘ and his brilliant guidance throughout ,made us understand the perspective (‘almost about all the things’) really well and yes, we all managed to pass the test.

 From a single piece of wire to the skeleton, from skeleton to solid muscles the ecorche looked alive and ready to be graded. I hope my ecorche (named Harvey dent -two face) didn’t cry when he was graded. The last class with Rey bustos was awe inspiring, where he showed and explained some of the most phenomenal artworks of all times by great artists like Michelangelo, Lorenzo Bernini, JC Leyendecker, etc...  The art presentation was overwhelming and was mainly about realizing our unique strengths as artists and pushing it forward to excellence. 

 The last class with the phenomenal Noah Buchanan was mixed with finale of knowledge endurance and dispirited emotions, as it was our last class with him at LAAFA. The class almost accomplished the ‘still life’, which we were doing from last week. The drawings showed great 3dminestionality and believability and looked like the structural understanding of the forms is sinking well in our minds.
All in all the whole quarter showered great deal of information and knowledge in our minds and the holiday shall fluently weave in this knowledge in our heads. Eagerly looking forward for the next quarter.     

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