Friday, June 13, 2008

5 Day Figure Drawing Workshop with Jon DeMartin July 9th-13th

Jon DeMartin will be teaching a 5-day Figure Drawing Workshop July 9th-July 13th at Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art! The workshop starts at 10am-5pm.The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s ability to correctly perceive the models main movements and to verify the models proportional relationships. In addition, the student will learn to correctly identify light from shadow and effectively create relief through tonal progressions in the light. The underlying goal is to give the students a good foundation so they can make the transition from drawing to painting the figure more easily and effectively. Materials and methods will be studied that pertain to certain styles of drawing. Individual needs of each student are addressed and there will be lectures and demonstrations with and without the model.

If you would like to take the workshop call us at 818.708.9232!

To see more work by Jon DeMartin check out his website!



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